Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Writing Prompts - Putting the Perfectionist Aside

I've recently adopted a regular habit of using writing prompts - specific words, phrases or topics - to strengthen my writing muscles.

This may sound a bit odd, but yes, writing, and all other creative endeavours, need practice to be strengthened - similar to a physical activity.

I realized today that I actually practice different things on different days.

Recently, I've been practicing the art of writing without the perfectionist standing over my shoulder prejudging the thoughts that are birthing in my mind.  She thinks she is being helpful; but what I've found is that she often aborts these fragile thoughts in their fetal state before they have had an opportunity to fully form and show her their true beauty or potential.

How do I do this, you ask?

I write whatever pops into my head, even if it has nothing to do with the topic I chose to write on.  I allow my writing to take its own direction.  It is not until I am spent that I allow myself to go back and read what I have written, deciding, only then, what should be done with the diamonds and coal I find there.

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