Friday, December 21, 2012

Tip #4 - Live Life As If It Could End (It Eventually Does)

I just had to say something about the end of the world today; afterall, we are on the last day of the Mayan calendar and who knows what will happen at midnight (said with my tongue in my cheek).

Many moons ago (we won't say how many), when I was a mere slip of a girl (early 20's), I participated in an exercise about setting your priorities.

To summarize, we started by envisioning that we had been invited, on short notice, to join friends on a wonderful vacation trip.  Motivated by something we truly wanted, how quickly could we tie up loose ends, get our essential work done, get packed, etc.?

Now, how would you do it with a time restriction of just a day or two?

The result is that you have now confirmed for yourself that you have the ability to make choices and get organized when properly motivated.

Next, take the exercise to another level.  Imagine that you have been given bad news by your physician and you only have 10 years, 5 years, 4 years, 3 years, 2 years or 1 year to live.  What becomes important in your life given these timeframes?  What feels undone?

Is it any easier to set your priorities with these thoughts in the back of your mind?

I've also enjoyed a couple of other tips when doing these types of exercises.  The first one comes from the book Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - "Your inbox will never be empty."  The second is also along the same lines and comes from Ether and Jerry Hicks through The Teachings of Abraham - "You will never be finished."  I find that these sayings take some of the stress away when I am feeling overwhelmed and also they remind me that life is not a race to the finishline.

So hopefully, we'll all be here tomorrow and now you have some interesting tools to help you with your New Year's Eve goal setting.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tip #3 - Be Mindful to What Makes You Feel Happy

I had a wonderful day today.  We are getting close to the Holiday Season and everywhere I turn there are chocolates being offered to me.  What's better than that? :)

Also, I've been spending time with my friends at seasonal events and having great fun just socializing and enjoying the beautiful decor.  All this helps me to feel happy!

So can I use this to keep my spirits up? Sure.

If you know what helps you to feel happy (being mindful of the conditions that exist when you do feel happy), just closing your eyes and imagining or reliving the event in a daydream-like state often can bring a smile to your face and hopefully to your heart.

Just try it.  Start by identifying something that helps you to feel happy or an event where you were happy.  Then, take a quiet moment, close your eyes and using your imagination create a daydream that uplifts your spirit.

Good luck and think happy thoughts - remember, by adding just a little pixie dust you just might be able to fly.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sandy Hook - Where to start the healing process

I never know what to say when something as violent and, in my mind, senseless, as the murders at Sandy Hook takes place.  I'm absolutely heart-broken.

I've listened to the news reports, watched the various discussions and read numerous commentaries.  Obviously, there are no simple solutions to ensuring that something like this doesn't happen again; BUT FOR GOODNESS SAKE, DO SOMETHING!

National or, hopefully, world-wide change doesn't happen overnight.  It all starts with little changes.

Picture a very large oceanliner cutting through the waters of the ocean.  Everything is great until you realize that you are heading in the wrong direction.  Even when everyone is in agreement that the ship must be redirected, it takes the order from the captain which must then be executed by the crew to even start the process.  Next, turning the ship is gradual - you can't turn an oceanliner on a dime.

At this point, I think we've finally reached the mark where we agree that we are heading in the wrong direction.  The problem - we still haven't agreed upon the precise direction we should be heading.  Troubling to say the least.

My take is to start at a personal level.

If you think that we can ensure personal security by increased gun controls and/or taxes on gun ownership - start at home - don't own a gun or ensure that you are a responsible owner by locking up your weapon(s).  Do more - express your opinion and encourage your family, friends, and community to do likewise.  Let your local politicans know how you feel.

If you would like to live in a society that is sensitive to the feelings and needs of its members - be that kind of neighbour.

Be mindful of whether your message is one of love or one of control.  Consider that you can choose to be kind and loving to anyone, but you can only control your own behaviour.  Trying to dictate the actions and choices of others, in my opinion, is never a successful long-term strategy.

Anyway, I don't want to get preachy.

My advice, the best way to make the world a better place happens by taking baby steps - identify what you can do personally (there is always something no matter how small) and act on it.

My heartfelt sympathy to all those who felt a loss as a result of this tragic event.


Tip #2 - Talk about what you want

So why do so many of us fall into conversational ruts with our friends where we discuss so many things that we don't like or don't want in our lives?  Wouldn't we be happier if we talked about what we do like and what gets our engines roaring?

Try spending the day talking from your "happy place" and see how much better you feel!

Have a great day sharing your good feelings about life.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tip #1 - Just Have a Bit of Fun

One of the best bits of advice I've received, and sometimes the most difficult to follow, is just to remember to stop and smell the roses.

Our lives are what we make of them.  If you want to have a joyful life then be sure to fill your time with people and tasks that you enjoy.

Just have a bit of fun every day and it will be easier to keep on smiling!

Taking a Break

It's been some time since I have posted anything here.  Every time I sat down to write something, I thought that it sounded a bit preachy, and that was never my intent - so, as you can see, I never hit the publish key.

Although I haven't been writing much lately - I have been reading.  I've been enjoying other people's blogs - especially cooking/recipe blogs - and have seriously thought about a change in topic.  That being said, for now I've decided to continue on slowly but surely and just see what type of content comes out.

Hope to post something of interest soon.