Sunday, September 13, 2020

Creative Blocks Don't Exist

I am so excited about sharing an "aha" moment I recently experienced.  It has been so impactful, that I can feel a noticeable change in my behaviour and thinking.  Sometimes it's the little messages that work the best.

Recently, I enrolled in an on-line writing course.  It has two workshop leaders who have been using their own experiences to both inspire and guide a community of writers and would-be writers to create their own messages.  The teachings are simplistic and focus on cultivating an atmosphere of creativity. 

Through this process, I faced down the curse of the Perfectionist - my habit of constant editing.  It has been my life habit to edit my thoughts, ideas, words, visions, etc. long before they ever become anything concrete.  Definition of writer's block - the inability to find an idea or words worth penning.  All those ideas aborted before they were even conceived.  What a shame.

How freeing to be told - just write whatever comes to mind.

Now I am practicing to write/create first and edit later so that it will become ingrained  in my nature.  What fun! 

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