Saturday, September 5, 2020

Here We Go Again

 I began this blog many years ago as part of my own personal journey of self discovery.   My belief that the content was meant for an audience, that existed only in my mind, made the process both challenging and difficult - leading to many starts and stops.  When my writings took a direction that lacked clarity, as I felt it often did, I would consider writing about more conventional hobbies of mine.  Topics about - how to sew - or cook recipes - seemed safer.  Their content and purpose were easier for me to envision.  In the end, I seemed to conclude that I'd rather spend my time doing these hobbies, as opposed to, writing about them.

Starting as early as my childhood years, I have been fascinated by my perception of the mind's enormous potential.  If I have a passion about anything, I have a passion about understanding how the mind works - and not just from a scientific and/or physical viewpoint - I also get totally absorbed when considering metaphysical theories.  This is probably why I keep coming back to restarting this blog.

These posts contain my musings about how certain beliefs seem to demonstrate themselves in my life experiences.  I hope you enjoy reading them.

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