Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Value of Creativity

 Feeling alive gives me the energy and enthusiasm to enjoy my life.

I find that when I undertake a creative endeavour, be it within the framework of writing, sewing or gardening (just to name some activities that work as my muse to awaken my creative spirit), I can feel a surge of energy stirring within me.

There is nothing that makes me feel more alive than going through the process of creating something that a moment ago was no more than an idea.  It can start with something as simple as a meal.  I see a recipe that looks interesting and ideas about how I would change it to suit my tastes begin to take form.  I look through the cupboards or go shopping for ingredients which come from the image taking shape in my mind.

Not everything works out.

This would be a disappointment if I was only interested in the goal - the finished product.  If I lose sight that I had fun during the process or that I had gained clarity about what I would do differently the next time, then certainly I would call this failure.

But as Thomas Edison said, "The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."  

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